domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Study Hiatus

I'm going to need to be on a hiatus. I'm having a couple of degree finals soon and I need to invest more time into that if I want to pass. So during December, I can't garantee activity or updates on my behalf. However, once that's done, I'll have much more time to work on this.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Late Backing

I know several people had problems to donate to the project towards the end of the funding time, so I've set up a donation Paypal you can still contribute to, with the same Perks as the Indiegogo. Just make sure you give me all of the info in the donation (email, perk, etc) so that I can arrange it for you. Thanks!

Contribute to Cow Girl Farmer!

The paypal account is

You can opt for Perks now to compensate for the errors at the campaign but I will close that option eventually.

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Email Tutorial

I'll be making tutorials for the writers before I actually commission them. Here is the one for Emails.


First of all, I need a block of email declarations, like this:


Ced1, Ced2, etc are Ceddy's email #1, #2, etc. You need to tell the computer that they exist. Once declared, we can fill them in with content, like this:

           $ced1=Email("Ceddy Ylle", "Hey Hey Hey.", "Wassap?\n\n\n\nWAASSAAAAAP?\n\nI'm Ceddy, nice to meetcha. I'm a CGF from around town. I'm kinda new too. Newbies like us should support each other, don'tchathink?\n\nI've heard Comma has been assigned as your mentor. She was mine too! Heh.\n\nHave fun. Toodleloo.", "Have fun too.", "Simmer down, please.") 

 Email variable
Email Text (within it, the \n\n\n's you see are for pressing "enter" and having the text appear on the next line)


Then we need to add how the emails appear depending on what you've answered in the previous ones, like this:

         if ced1.chosen==1 and ced1.unfinished:      
     $ced2=Email("Ceddy Ylle", "Hey Hey Hey.", "You seem like a cool guy, sugarface.\n\nSo, what breed of cow has the Gov given you to start out with? They gave me a Pamjai to start out. A bit of a hassle, since that CG was way too hugglesome for me to handle. Lucky for me, I earned enough dinero to get a Matra to level things a bit. Don't get me wrong here! Both are equally special, but you just gotta learn to balance each one's little oddities, right?\n\nBy the way, what breed did the Gov get you? Pamjai as well?", "Pamjai","Tiret","Mittelpunkt")            $ced1.unfinished=False

         if ced1.chosen==2 and ced1.unfinished:     
     $ced2=Email("Ceddy Ylle", "Hey Hey Hey.", "Heh, sorry 'bout that. I get it a lot.\n\nSo, how are you doing, Sir? Starting up your CGF numbers and twiddly knobs might be a hassle sometimes. But don't worry! Its easy. Kinda.\n\nFor me it was hard the first few days. Gov got me a Pamjai cow that was really sticky. I didn't know what to do. Comma would just point at the help files and not be of much help. Well, truth be told, the help files are actually... Helpful (Aren't I punny? Ohohohoho!). \n\nOh! What breed has the Gov given you to start out with?", "Pamjai","Tiret","Mittelpunkt")            $ced1.unfinished=False

Which in english means

If in the email called Ced1 I chose option #1 (which would be "Have fun") and Ced1 is still an unanswered email, then make the following email appear.... (Email variable called ced2 is now filled with content like explained before)....
Then consider ced1 to be answered. (this is the meaning of putting "$ced1.unfinished=False") in there

The second part there is the same deal. Ced2 is filled with different content this time since the answer given by the player is different. You can see that ced.chosen==2 and not 1. The rest is the same.


More complex relations can be created if you're familiar with Python code.

What a relief

I've figured out how to display the cowgirl paperdoll as a screen not as a declared image. Ok, this might not make much sense to you but to me its a breakthrough. I can now display the cowgirl anywhere however I want really really easy.

Also emails now appear in the right order

More stuff

A little update for you folks.

-Added "Events": You can now do other things with your life instead of being locked in the day-to-day loop. You can do anything now, provided that the story for it has been coded in. Visiting the doctor, going to a fair, etc.
-Added more delicious graphics.
-Cowgirl now graphically grow (only boobs now, but the technique is there and ready for the rest)

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Some progress

I had to code from scratch the paperdoll system and it's a bit of a hassle but worth it. With so little you all of a sudden have a lot. It looks cool, even if its just prototype artwork.

I might also include little anime "emotion" animations, like for example, little hearts floating around when she is being deliberately dere-dere or a that typical anime big drop slowly falling next to thier head. But I won't include that in the update, I'm just rambling.

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

Invitation problems

If you're getting invitation problems, just send me an email to with the email you recieved the invitation with a google account-linked email.

It should be solved with that.

Also, don't send me CGF Beta-related stuff to my dA or on PMs on forums - Please use the CGF Beta forum.

CGF Closed Beta Forum

To those people who got the Super 3 perk, you've been sent an invitation to the private forum. Over there you will have all of the info about the beta and you will be able to participate in the development by giving feedback.

The next beta version is going to take a while, I'm running into a few bugs. However you will be able to download the pre-campaign version of the game.


viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Entry #1

Woo! First blog entry.

This will be the blog I'll be using for updates and news about CGF.

First of all, the Beta will likely be sent to those with the proper perk this Sunday. I do have an older beta (pre-campaign beta), however I want to include some newer features for testing before sending out the new batch. These features are:

-Paperdoll cowgirl expressions/growth. A core feature of the game that hasn't been included until now. Beta placeholder artwork will be used.
-Equipment/Inventory. Droids, facilities, etc.
-Events/Adventures: A visualnovelesque sequence that might take in-game days involving either a cowgirl or NPC's (fairs, hiking, buisness meetings, etc)
-Tweaking the growth: They get way too big way too quickly.

Artist/Writer commissioning is still in discussion in the dev board however, the likely procedure will be that I post up a big notice in some places, get a couple of people interested and choose from within the candidates, like a regular job interview.